Kite Hydrofoiling- The Most Important Skill (For beginner)
Welcome back to Lahoma Winds in today's article. We are going to address the most important foundational skill to becoming a successful kite foiler. Now we know this is a very subjective statement. If you have a history of being a wave surfer a windsurfer or a kite surfer then this blog may be of little benefit to you. However, if you're like us an inland Lake IDA who has spent a majority of their kite boarding time riding a twin tip board. This blog may be a benefit. If you're currently a foiler or you have a present or future interest in maybe becoming a kite foiler. We hope you enjoy this article.
We've mentioned briefly in a past article. We believe in the absolute importance to be able to connect your feet to the deck of the board. And we never knew exactly how important this skill was until our very first kite foil lesson. After a few minutes we took off on our initial part start and all we did were Kareem upwind completely out of control and not is able to do anything else. We weren’t able to break over the top of the board. In this blog, we want to address those historical twin tippers that have bad habits. Teach you a way to retrain your body to develop this specific skill for kite foiling. We hope everyone understands that to be a successful kite foiler.
You have to be able to keep your feet connected and be able to gently apply pressure through the heel of your feet and the toes and balls of your feet for the training progression. In this article, we've broken it into three phases. The first phase is your twin tip phase the second phase is your surfboard or uni-directional strapless board phase and the third is on the foil board phase for progression the beginning on your twin-tip board. Start riding your board in both directions trying to alternate heels and toe pressure as quickly as you can and really more reactively.
So what you're doing here is you're going to start riding in S curves as you get more and more comfortable making these S curves look something more like Z curves that are really more aggressive. Again the key here is to be reactive. Keep your feet flat on the deck and apply toe and heel pressure with your movements as you get more and more comfortable with this activity. Then start being even more reactive and such that maybe you're catching a roller and taking that roller downwind and getting over on your toe side quickly or maybe getting very aggressive on riding your twin-tip board in a downwind direction. So a down winter is a really good skill for this as well even in this training video.
You can see that we are much more competent and much more aggressively skilled riding to our goofy to the right side than we are to our left. This, sure enough, carries over to us on a foil we are much more competent riding to the goofy side than we are to the regular side so making this training video brought that to the surface for us. We need to improve and becoming more proficient riding to the regular side and taking the skills that we're discussing today the second phase is your strapless unidirectional board. Just start with getting comfortable with riding this board. Because it's really hard to cheat when you're riding a strapless board you have to keep your feet connected to the board as you get more and more comfortable just cruising along with the surfboard with no straps performing small S curves.
Then progress to where you're actually able to put some weight over your toes and work on transitions. In this fashion as well the third phase is now you're up on your foil board you're going to know immediately whether or not you have made a lot of progress because right from the beginning the water start on the foil board. You're going to know if you're going to be able to break that fulcrum and get on top of the board now that you're riding on your board. The water start was successful are you able to do anything besides go upwind and get comfortable with it. You need to now start to be able to ride the foil board downwind this is performed in a number of different ways. But really we believe the solid foundational skill here is to be able to keep your feet flat and connected to the board. Apply gentle heels and toe pressure through the board.
So when going down wind you need to apply more toe and pressure through the balls of your feet so that you can attain this. When we say you want to apply pressure through the balls and toes of your feet. You're up and cruising as you get more and more comfortable on your foil board. You are able to go downwind now start working on those very same S-curves. We were working on the twin tip. This will carry over to reaching the goals that we need to develop this foundational skill. Just to recap the foundational skill that we think is most important to being a successful foil kiter is keeping your feet connected to the board being able to apply pressure through the balls and toes. Your feet in precise fashion progress with your twin-tip being able to ride in multiple situations and getting very aggressive with S turns then go to a unidirectional strapless board.
Get comfortable riding that and then progress into small S curves with the unidirectional strapless board. Then finally getting on that foil board and applying the very same fundamentals. You just progress with your twin-tip and your surfboard. It is also an extra point for those that are stuck in for a cold winter. We recently had one of my good friends call us up and say he just bought this one wheel and he's currently commuting to work in downtown Tulsa using the one wheel.
He said you've got to try this out. So we went over tried the one wheel out in even though we were very far from being proficient on the one we'll we noticed almost immediately that this replicates the feeling of riding a foil. You have to keep your feet connected to the board you're applying gentle toe and heel pressure as you're riding it with S curves and are we saying you should go out and spend eighteen hundred dollars on a glorified electric skateboard no we are not saying that but are we saying that if somebody put one in our garage that we would throw it out in the trash probably not thanks for joining us on this blog. We hope that it was of some benefit to your progression as a kite foiler please subscribe to our channel. We hope to see you next time on Lahoma Winds.
Video credit & lesson Credit from Kyle Oklahoma.